7 Ways to Create an Energy-Efficient House in Your Budget

Thanks to advance technologies you can control and monitor your energy consumption through one easy press of a finger. We guide you to create an energy-efficient home in your budget.

Home in Your Budget

A desire to have a dream home in an affordable amount, further flourish it and saving the environment, is made by everyone and the best idea to accomplish this desire is to create an energy-efficient home. Many of the home buyers are not well aware of all the possible ways of creating or turning their home into energy-efficient homes. Still there is a misconception that smart and ecofriendly homes equal to luxurious and expensive. But this is not true! You can build energy-efficient home even if you can’t afford to have one of the glamourous and expensive eco washing machines or refrigerators. We help you to create eco-friendly or energy efficient homes with our 7 effective techniques within your budget limit.

  1. ADD INSULATION: Adding insulation in your home may be the most effective way of preventing heat loss. You can use way less energy for heating thanks to loft and wall insulation. Insulation will also take less time to warm up your space and the best part you will get more heat inside your home for a more extended period of time. By adding insulation not only your winters will warmer but same rules apply for the cooling in the summer as well. Addition of lost insulation will bestow you higher rate of energy efficiency. It will also be more attractive to buyers if you decide to sell your home. Moreover, you can even take insulation as a DIY project. Insulation represents simple and highly effective home improvement.
  2. CLEAN HVAC UNIT: HVAC system is responsible for the majority of your energy efficiency problems such as heat gain, heat loss, uneven heat etc. when it comes to the life expectancy of your HVAC system, cleaning it annually is one of the most important spring home maintenance task. Especially cleanliness and replacement of filters regularly. Clean and unclogged filters help you to lower your power consumption up to 15%.
  3. INVEST IN ENERGY-EFFICIENT SWITCH: 90% of homeowners never dedicated much time to rethinking your switches. We bet if you knew what difference could it make, we sure you would!

Every one of us leaves our PC, printer or kettle turned on and left home but with the implementation of these switches, these problems may end. They will help you to pay less for your utility bills as well as help the environment. Look for switches that are made of silicon, small and run on chips.

  1. USE A SMART THERMOSTAT: Smart thermostat are develop for controlling your home’s heating and are different from traditional ones. They allow you to use an application so, you can monitor the heating situation in your home even if you are on a holiday. This system will endeavor a huge cut in energy consumption and conserve your budget.
  2. INSTALL LED LIGHTBULB: LED lighting is the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way of lighting your home. LED bulbs have shocking lifetime of up to 100,000 hours and they are entirely clean and recyclable and they include toxic material of any kind.
  3. USE ENERGY MANGEMENT SYSTEM: This system is the future as they allow you to control your home through remote controlling fully. Energy management system are central systems, means collect data of your gadgets in an app. It allows you to turn on or off the security system, air conditioning, heating and various appliances.
  4. INSTALL LOW FLOW SHOWER FAUCETS: One of the most affordable and simple way to save money and water is to install low flow shower faucets. Laminar and aerating shower heads are two main types of low flow shower heads. Low flow faucets and shower heads are capable of reducing water consumption by up to 50%. 

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